Emily In Paris Review
Emily in Paris is the perfect watch for understanding social media Influencer Marketing which is the next in-thing for any marketing strategy. This is a very smart and beautiful series streaming on Netflix. The main highlights of the series are the beautiful and picturesque view of Paris, the city of romance, the beautiful Emily (Lily Collins), the suave Gabriel (Lucas Bravo), the lovely Mindy Chen (Ashley Park), and the hard to impress Sylvie (Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu). These are the main casts in the series. The story is about an American Digital Marketing firm that sends one of their marketing executives to Paris for handling the clients of an Italian Agency's clients named Savoir. The new American Marketer is a young, intelligent, and friendly Emily who falls in love with Paris and had to leave Chicago, her boyfriend for her career. When she arrived in her new office, her American style was noticed quickly by the employees in the office. They all started distancing her and on ...
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